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Yeah Right......

So the rumour mills are saying that 
Kristen Stewart is so missing Rob Patterson.
That she has set her sights on Zac Efron.
Dear God, even her PR team couldn't have dreamed this one up.
Pure bullshit.
She won't find anyone for a long long time.


Anonymous said…
She doesn't look a man because she already has a man woman Alannah she / he watch out for her and teach Kristen how to act like a,man and look like a man! Everybody should make peace with her lesbian feelings !! Wish good luck to her with Alannah man woman x
Anonymous said…
Christian I find it sooooooo hard to believe that Kristen Stewart who has had boyfriends and even a married lover, as far as we know, can't find anyone for a long time.... you mean she made a chastity vote or something?
Anonymous said…
Will she try to cling back to Rob? If so, will it be successful (in terms of pr of course)?
Anonymous said…
Just nobody wants her. lol
Anonymous said…
I also don't believe she won't find someone else soon. She is needy and a clinger. She will have a boyfriend befor rob has a new girl.
Anonymous said…
Honestly it would be the most pathetic move she could do. It seems she's gonna cling onto her gang for a long time... It looks like the Robsten PR stunt left them jaded and not actually looking forward new relationships for a while.... they're just messing around.
Anonymous said…
CD, who’s gonna be the first one to show up with a partner in public, Rob or Kristen? And how soon?
Anonymous said…
:D Do you really think dear people here that any normal,honest man would want to be connected with a woman who publicly humiliated her boyfriend(people who don't read Christian site think they were a real couple)?She was caught making out with a married guy while being in relationship,so how do you expect from a normal guy want to have such a GF.If she was a single and having an affair with a married man,it's completely different story,but being in relationship and f@king with another guy...Well,I wonder what is the story about her and Garrison,are they friends?
Psychic Gossip said…
With a REAL partner ROB........with a PR FAKE partner anyones guess ha ha CD
Anonymous said…
Yeah, Kristen only could have another pr romance.
But Christian, are you saying that Rob already met his new gf?
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Christian!
Anonymous said…
A smart and honest man would not look forward dating Kristen Stewart, but an attention seeker or a "wanna be actor" would gladly be her boyfriend! He'd be in gossip rags every week. Anyway Rob looked like a smart and honest guy but look who he dated and made a lot of money got loads of attention..actors in Hollywood can date other actors for love or for so many reasons..

Anonymous said…
Christian,have you seen Rob's commercial for Dior Homme?
Anonymous said…
What's your prediction on when we will see Rob with this real partner? Months or a yr?
Anonymous said…
Hi CD -- I remember reading in another post in your blog that KS was involved with her last costar and that she maybe in danger. Has that changed? If so, I am glad no one is in danger. But if he is living with her is it a romantic relationship or just friendship? Also, if PR resumes, will the world be subjected to the awkward "Robsten relationship" again.

"Christian DionSeptember 7, 2013 at 6:23 PM -With a REAL partner ROB........with a PR FAKE partner anyones guess ha ha CD
Anonymous said…
Distance makes the heart grow fonder or more appreciated/valued in it's absence....
The only man you'll eventually see tethered to Kristen's arm for "REAL"....
will be....
"Pattinson"....not "Patterson".....
Anonymous said…
Really? If it does happen, god help them. They are so young and toxic for each other. To bad with all their fame and fortune they are stuck together. Its all about the money, huh? BTW, I hope they both shower and wear deodorant when they reunite. Ewwww.
Anonymous said…
I'm afraid distance has only made these two realize how good it feels feeling free and untethered....
Anonymous said…
I thought I saw something he wrote about it awhile back, he panned it, said it would be a flop or wpuld tank, not sure of the exact words he used, more or less he said it wouldn't be any good.
Anonymous said…
Yeah,I remember,but I wonder if Christian saw all commercial,because in my opinion it's just great piece of work,I love the style and vibe of it.And of course the music.
Anonymous said…
Amen. Lol
Anonymous said…
I see what your saying Christian. Not sure her team would ever try hooking these two up in the gossip rumors. Probably zac's team, Im convinced his relationship with Vanesa was also phoney. And all the hype hhe used to have is no more and his movies havent done well either. He hasnt played the hollywood game in awhile and this could be a ploy by his team to get som attention.
Anonymous said…
She is only 23. She proved she isn't ready for a committed relationship with someone she has been with for years or else she would not have found sex and intimacy with a man double her age and married. Why is she settling for a man she isn't really interested in? Why is he settling for a woman who is looking for something better than him? Sorry but love is not pulling them together or they would still be together. I hope for both their sakes they move on from each other and learn from their damaged relationship. It was so sad and awkward to see them together. Maybe Kristen and Zac can hook up for the publicity.
Anonymous said…
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Romans 14:1-13 ESV

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. ...

Matthew 7:5 ESV

You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

Matthew 7:1-2 ESV

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.

John 8:7

And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Anonymous said…
ditto. Maybe its Kristen Stewart & she found god?
Anonymous said…
Hmm....I thought you would understand what i was trying to convey....
Do you think your gift of intuition or insight was just "because".....or a force greater than yourself has provided you this gift?
I inserted those passages because you have a gift...use those gifts in a positive/constructive manner.
build...instead of destroy....
BTW...I'm not even religious and barely literate of scripture or the Bible...I don't affiliate myself with any, man-made organized religion. I consider myself a 'spiritual' person...who is very flawed like the rest of the world...."trying" to live my own life amongst all the trash, obstacles and hatred. But...I attempt to see the world's glass half "FULL"...instead of "EMPTY".
I don't want to judge you or was just 'food' for thought....and I hope you will ponder my words and apply your "gifts" accordingly....
Celebrities are 'people',too....
Anonymous said…
I wonder when it stops.The tabs and not only also reliable press still write about Robert and Kristen in their articles.She was constantly mentioned in Rob's Dior campaign as his ex,but still,they bring her in his interviews about his ad.The fans still fight on the social network and her friends still post the ''messages'' to the people.I thought it would end at the end of August.
Psychic Gossip said…
The relationship that NEVER WAS...has and did end by the end of August. This is just her team trying to milk it...CD
Anonymous said…
Christian is applying his gifts accordingly, helps people and he already knows scripture. Yes Celebrities are people, too, and there's far too many making of them false idols. There's also quite a few who get wrapped up in that idolatry and BS too easily. kat
Anonymous said…
Obviously you missed the part about this being a gossip site. Is gossip ever really good? Besides the fact this is CDs site, freedom of speech all of that he can talk about whatever the F he wants. You dont like it then why are you here?
Anonymous said…
Is this you Tabitha Samson? If so, when did you become a drama queen? These celebrities are moving on with or without each other. You should do the same.
Anonymous said…
Tabitha Samson has become hysterical about actors she doesn't even know. Why? Laugh a little Tabitha and get a grip. It's Hollywood not Syria. Why don't you focus on you for a while and let Robsten be. It's psychic gossip, no one is as obsessed as you and those crazy twihards. CD is a funny guy, who makes predictions on his blog. If you don't like it, don't read it. Problem resolved.

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