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Showing posts from February 7, 2015

Mr Squeaky clean, not for long ....

Well things in the career dept may be going very well for Ryan Seacrest . As well as things been kept quiet in his,  " Private" life. But not for long. There is a major PR mess underway,  that is about to come out. That will make him spin like a diva. It'll be fun to see him explain all this away.

Closer & Closer .... Friday, October 12, 2012 Bad ending in sight.......a liitle redneck. Bobbi Kristina Brown  daughter of the Late Whitney Houston  has become engaged to her  "adopted" brother Nick Gordon. This is not what her mother would want. He's all about the money/fame. If she doesn't rethink this, she'll be seeing her mother quicker that she thinks.

Greek King Canute ..

Although Greece,  has just elected a new government. Along with Yanis Varoufakis ,  the new Greek finance minister Who seems to believe,  that he can reverse the countries troubles. He's very wrong. In fact if he goes ahead with his, popular plans. He will soon fine that the tides, as well as the people turn against him.