JOHNNY DEPP AMBER HEARD FUTURES READING July 14, 2022 JOHNNY DEPP AMBER HEARD FUTURES READING… Hi Everyone lovely to see you all again. As promised here’s the Futures Reading. Johnny Depp & Amber Heard. SO HERE WE GO…. JOHNNY DEPP I SEE… Johnny Depp’s future is solid & bright. Watch for him to take a directing role. Great success… The acting will go great as well… I SEE… He’s back on track. He will be seeing a therapist. He has put the out of control illegal drug abuse behind him… He will not let his fans down. I SEE… Re Johnny Depp’s “Future Love” I have already done a reading on this. I do get a lot of the same question. Is Kate Moss Johnny Depp’s. Future Love? I SEE… I can’t say definitively she is, or ...