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Showing posts from July 31, 2019

Russian Bitch...

Told Ya.. He's at it again... / IT'S A CON....... April 22, 2018 As Babyfart & his gang of croonies. Shout from the roof tops. That the "DEAL" with the nutter that is Kim Jon Un. Will be history making..... Well, it will...... But not in a good way... Think 1930's + Hitler.... . Then there's all the "DEALS" that Trump has done. Right, all failures, history repeating itself...

'Christian vibe'...........

  Hills "star" Heidi Montag,  is going  to relaunch her music career.  (Never knew she had one) .  Seen here at the "Booby Tape" do in Hollywierd. She wants to be Christian singer now. God Help us......... Won't see the charts for sure.