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Showing posts from May 27, 2017

TOLD YA.. He tried to screw Comey... BLOOD BATH May 15, 2017 I hope that they have stocked up on Clorox,  at the Whitehouse. They are going to need it this week.    

TOLD YA, She's PISSED, DUH... ACTION REQUIRED .... May 25, 2017 Someone who has the tiniest amount of sway over, Actress Bella Thorne. PARENT? MANAGER? AGENT? Needs to get her away from this prick . Scott "IsDick" Disick. Or she'll end up in a pine box.

TOLD YA... Đ¢ÑƒĐº-TÑƒĐº.... All that Glitters, is not GOLD ...... February 10, 2017 So "Babyfart" is all at 6s & 7s. Seems he's not too pleased. That his daughter Ivankas fashion line. Is being dropped left, right & centre. Oh dear. What a to do. Well, that's what happens, when the truth is out. Can't wait for the other shoe/s to drop.

Developing Bromance...... someone is going to be very UPSET...

The Philippines Pres Duterte,  & Pres Trump aka "Babyfart" . Are "new" BFFs.. Seems that they both have the same idea,  on how to treat the poor. Granted Duterte calls it "Dealing with drugs". Trump, well who knows what he thinks. From one minute to the next. But I will tell you...... That this is going to get nasty.....