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Showing posts from March 8, 2022

UK v USA GAS Prices: As of this moment. “SUBJECT TO INSTANT CHANGE”

  Hi Gang As most of you know I am presently in the UK. Watching Gas/Petrol prices has become a thing. So here goes. AT THE MOMENT OF POSTING THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS ARE ACCURATE. Average Gas price in California. $5.00 a gallon. Average Petrol price in the UK. (1.70 pounds per Litre) 7.75 pounds per gallon. Or  $10.15 USD per gallon. STAY TUNED These prices are only going to rise. Petrol will be 8 pounds  a gallon by Summer...  

Morning All…


TOLD YA… Putin, you are on limited time… As many of you know I am currently in the UK. For family reasons. So I have been a little MIA. But, I have received many questions re Putin. I SEE… That he will be delivering many more terrible events. To the Ukraine & he has plans to go a lot further. However, I do not see him pressing that  “RED BUTTON” But, it’s going to be very, very close… I SEE… That more & more people of Russia will be rising up against him. Including some of is Generals. But, before that can happen. We will see terrible things… There is no quick finish to this… Until the rest of the World. Pulls together, this will continue… I SEE… That while there are those ready to deliver a “bullet” to him. They won’t… I SEE… As Assassinating him. Would make him a Martyr. NOT A GOOD IDEA. However, someone will shall we say. “PUT A PILLOW OVER HIS HEAD”…