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Showing posts from July 16, 2018

Have these strings to hold me down ...

TOLD YA, Seems he didn't listen.... Only takes one pic .... November 04, 2016 As Elon Musk carries on his work,  to take over the World. (Which he will) His car business is doing just fine. But, the space stufff, not so well. As we know, that kind of business,  has to work not only first time. But every time...... Well, Elon, the answer is simple. Start paying respect to the man,  who created what you hope to continue. Mr Tesla. Just place a pic like this,  in your office and creative spaces. You'll be delighted with the results. OR ELSE ??


One Scumbag to another...... Piers Morgan , as even a blind man can see. Is a complete and utter moron... So his latest "ARSE" kissing article..  On his "Buddy" Trump aka Babyfart. Is just a love letter in a tabloid newspaper... But, no one is buying it............... This will backfire, on Piers.......... Just like Trumps past behaviour... Is about to backfire on him too.... CAN'T WAIT FOR THE TAPES TO COME OUT....... .......

Woof Woof.....