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Showing posts from March 17, 2013

Told Ya she's at it again....... Sunday, March 6, 2011 Oh yes you are .......... Lindsay Lohan...... Is telling her lawyer,  the judge & anyone  within ear shot. That she will  not accept jail time. Just how out  of touch can  this girl get. It's isn't up to you Missy....... The judge is the boss.. You will be going to "Clinky"

Told Ya.not good........... Christian Dion The Seer’s 2013 Predictions Completed Dec 19 th 2012 6                  Nazi. The recent rise in Nazism is going to get stronger over the coming year and beyond. It's going to be nasty as the disgruntled youth pick up the cause and run with it.  

Told Ya Oz is a hit.............. Sunday, July 15, 2012 A Cult smash.......   Disney's  OZ, The Great and the Powerful. Which will be released early 2013. Will be a massive cult smash. You heard it here first............ Posted by Christian Dion at Sunday, July 15, 2012

Told Ya Not in the job a week and the truth begins. Monday, March 29, 2010 Gucci earplugs, I believe…. So the Pope says that , he won’t be intimidated, by all the criticism of his handling, of the latest sex scandal. (Wait till the 2012 sex scandal starts) Well if that doesn’t tell the World, that the Vatican never listens nothing will. This Pope is the beginning, of the end for the Catholic church. Seems to me the devil is at home, with the Holy C.

They give me the creeps

There is something wrong with this  Dugger family. Apart from being selfish having all these kids. They are so white and not there looking. I get the feeling that down the line  something really nasty. Will come to light about this lot.