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Showing posts from March 13, 2018

Amongst the moves today..

So Babyfart fires Tillerson . Replaces him with Pompeo. He wants to replace Pompeo. With Gina Haspel... The current #2 at the CIA. Another bad move. It will be a miracle if she's allowed the job. But, these days, one never know. If she does get the job. Very Bad times ahead....

One bad idea for another...

So as President Trump,  fires Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Babyfart is planning to replace Rex Tillerson . With CIA Director Mike Pompeo .......  Oh Dear, another idiot idea......... I'll give him till Xmas. That's if he does in fact pass the test for the job..

Windy Times ahead...

TOLD Ya Another one bites the dust... I'll rub you back, if you rub mine...... December 11, 2016    So Babyfart is know going to elect, another of his chums.  Who just happens to be very close to Putins. Some guy called Rex Tillerson. To a cabinet position. This is fast becoming the Rich helping the rich. Well, it's only going to get worse. Till something is done about it. I'll give him 18 months.

Moved on ????

So Amber Heard 31, last seen dating Elon Musk. Has "Moved on"...??????????? She's now dating Sean Penn 57. Oh, we all know that this won't end well. It's not as though Sean has a good dating record. Personally,  I don't think he has enough in the bank for her....