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Showing posts from November 2, 2017

Just a Matter of Time......

Dear God , this isn't good........ Selena "Still on Drugs" Gomez. Appears to be dating Justin "My Favourite Lesbian" Bieber Again. Just when you thought, she was on the mend. NOT. JB, he's also still on the drugs.... So I feel it's just a matter of time. Before one or both of them OD.. Sad news, I know....................... But TOTALLY THEIR OWN DOING......

BF family Meme of the Day

TOLD YA.. Jared, saw it coming.... "My Heart belongs to........ September 16, 2017 For those who believed that. Ivanka Trump/Kushner. Would be a calming influence on Babyfart.  NOT SO........................ Well, I did tell you......... But the good news is..... She's about to jump ship. That will really piss off,  "Daddy" Good.. May take till early 2018. But, she and hubby......... Are planning their retreat.

Titanic Times ahead....

As the Harvey Weinstein & Kevin Spacey , sex escapades. Continue to be exposed..... There's another Hollywood Hotshot , who should be panicking. Titanic director James Cameron. It's just going to take one actress to speak. Then the floodgates will be opened. I can't wait.......... His "Friends" should be worried too. As one friend will "Squeal" to save his arse..... Kevin Spacey will end up "GUILTY It'll take a while . But it will happen. It'll cost him too.

TOLD YA Just a bunch of lies. Right out of Trumps playbook Total Twaddle....... January 18, 2017 Theresa May PM of Gt Britian. Today delivered her "PLAN" for leaving the EU. It seems to have left people,  more confused than before. No surprise there. Brexit is going to bring her,  and the country to it's knees. Not good........

NEXT to bite the dust... another dirty old white man...

Damian Green Theresa Mays' Deputy PM . AKA her right hand man. Is also accused of sex abuse . Which of course he denies, don't they all........ Well, she's going to have to give him the chop. YES.......................................... I see this as the wall of her reign is really beginning to crumble. Perhaps she should remember what happened to Jericho.... .........

He was pushed, wait a couple of days...

So don't fall for the that Sir Michael Fallon .  Defense Secretary , no less.. Resigned over a knee touch 15yrs ago. Yes, it wasn't right. But there's way more about to be exposed. Then you'll see why he was more or less sent packing PR

TOLD YA TWO IN ONE DAY.. KEEP ON COMING HA HA You can't fly high enough, Madam.... April 25th 2017 Theresa May PM , must think we are all stupid. The only reason that she called,  an Election in the UK Isn't to do with Brexit. Or anything so....... ordinary. She did it to head off. A  scandal  that's about to break in the media. That will make the  "Profumo"  affair in the 1960's. Look like a trip to  Disneyland . Keep your eyes peeled.....