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Showing posts from October 22, 2020

Good Morning All...


Closer & Closer Donald did Pay China taxes why not the USA...

  Only $750 PAID.. by Donald Trump September 28, 2020   If the revelation that   Trump paid $750 in taxes. In 2016/17. The fact that he had Russia help him win by cheating. The fact he had a Hooker suck his dick. While his Wife was in the hospital with his son Barron. The fact that he believes that is is OK to grab a woman’s pussy. The fact that he’s a Xenophobe. The fact that he’s a Racist. That he’s a Homophobe. The fact he’s an Ego Driven Liar. The fact that he and his bunch of Grifters. Will if re-elected. He will make what. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini . In the last century As well as what Kim Jon Un & Putin are doing now. Look like a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED…