NEW FEATURE Readings I Stand By… Sometimes a prediction is like driving from Los Angeles to New York… What I hear you say. Well, you plan the trip. Book the Hotels. Then set off. First you get to the freeway. Blocked by a train crash. First planned stop. Arrive. To find the Hotel has lost power agh.. Next day set off.. So far so good. The major detour. Adds 5 hours to that days travel. Next two days all good. Then the next planned Hotel hit by a Hurricane. So mad dash to find another. Final Day.. Car has a blow out. OK another days delay. But, no worry a few hours later arrive safe and somewhat sound. So the prediction of driving from Los Angeles to New York. Happened. But not the journey planned. So sometimes the same happens to predictions. The predictions on the episode. Are Johnny Depp & Keanu Reeves. NEW FEATURE Readings I ...
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