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Showing posts from February 14, 2018

Happy Valentines Day all

You rub my back, I'll rub your.... BF Meme of the Day

After almost a year of PEACE.....

Oh God, Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom. Are dating "AGAIN".............. Now while I believe everyone,  deserves a second chance.......... This is one or two steps too far. This is not going to end well.... For either of them.....................  Mind you then there's DNA !?

TOLD YA .. SPLITSVILLE YUCK .....Won't Work. March 16, 2015 Faux News employee and member of Alaskas' famed trailer park family. Bristol Palin. Is engaged to  Dakota Meyer. I really feel sorry for him But I smell a PR stunt in the making. By "I can see Russia from my kitchen window". Failed Vice President wannabe quitter Sarah Palin. Anyway it won't get to the alter.

TOLD YA CROOK..... There will be a riot .... February 27, 2015 I hope the GOP don't think that Crook Benjamin Netanyahu . Coming to give his talk in DC. Is a good idea. NO ...... It's going to backfire big time. It's going to make,  House Speaker John Boehner . Turn pale. Quite an achievement considering,  all the Max Factor he uses.