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Showing posts from June 22, 2018

Just like a conjuror...

TOLD YA.. Ever closer he he ... Just one little Prick & BOOM..... April 25, 2018 Michael Cohen will "FLIP" . ..... Babyfart will attempt to "PARDON"  .. im... It won't work...... Michael Cohen, is the "Prick"... That will burst "Trumps" balloon.......

When someone tell you their TRUTH.. BELIEVE THEM...

Don't ya, just love these Good Christians??


Friday Meme of the Day

Some Dad, just a plain old fashioned HOMOPHOBE !!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger here seen leaving with his "Affair" son Joseph Baena (20). In Santa Monica.  Seems Arnold enjoys Josephs company..  More than his................. "Real" son Pat rick Schw arze neg gers   company...... WHY? Well ones straight and ones not.... You work it "OUT"...


A sign of things to come.....

A Tad out of touch ???

So today the  First "Lady'. Paid a surprise visit........     To the   migrant children.... In the                  internment/prison camps..                How nice..........................                BULLSHIT.......................                  Just look at the jacket..........                 She wore for the visit.......  REALLY............    WHAT AN OUT OF TOUCH BITCH.....   THE TRUTH WILL  OUT...