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Showing posts from September 16, 2016

TOLD YA GUILTY Tuesday, July 28, 2015 Awaiting his 3rd wish to come true .. So while Nick Gordon,  fakes tears & grief /etc. For his heartbreak. He's waiting for his 3rd wish to come true. Wish One: Date/Marry Bobbi Kistina . DONE Wish Two: She Dies..............................DONE Wish Three: Receive the check ............... "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN" I hope he likes Orange .

Dating ?????

Ryan Seacrest is doing Model Adriana Lima. According to Hollywierd. What do I think. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA  HA.

Enough to give me another migraine..

Here in La La Land. The rumour mills are a buzz. With the "FACT" that,  JLO & Calvin Harris are dating. NOT TRUE................ She already has a WEHO "Friend"