As Jeff Bezos, gets ever richer. He should do a bit of accounting. WHY? Well his latest bit of "FLUFF" Lauren Sanchez. Has a habit of having deposit boxes. She, feels it's her right to skim some off the top. Before her recent catch. She had a deposit box, while with her ex hubby. (Whom, she schemed against to get to JB) . Where she skimmed alot. But now she has richer pickings. She has two new depsoit boxes. Perhaps, she thinks. That these boxes are secret, nope. Even the Swiss ones aren't totally secret. As she's a cheapskate so the ones she has. Are easy to find. So lets hope JB. Comes to his senses. Gets rid of her. Before she gets even richer off of him.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.