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Showing posts from March 13, 2021

Bon Jour


Seems the Daily Mail agree with me.. March 11, 2021 ARTICLE REVIEW: So.. More on the TRAIN WRECK THE PAST/ PRESENT - THINGS YOU DON’T NEED A PSYCHIC FOR - 1. - MEGHAN MARKLE CLAIMED THE PALACE REFUSED ARCHIE A TITLE (because he was mixed race) - FALSE - He’ll become a Prince when the next King is crowned. 2. - MEGHAN CLAIMED THE PALACE DID NOT PROTECT HER AND SILENCED HER - FALSE - Oh grow up! Famous A-list people do not publicly speak out about every false accusation/rumor in their personal lives. This is the Royal Family, NOT the Kardashians (though Megan and Harry have been giving them a run for their money lately) 3. - MEGHAN CLAIMS HER PR TEAM DID NOT PROTECT HER - MAYBE- See above #2.  (She should have fired them.. she is fond of


TOLD YA. JLO & A ROD SPLITSVILLE... Christian Dion's Celebrity Psychic Predictions 2021 THE FACTS.. Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, Meghan Markle, Jlo.. January 05, 2021 CHRISTIAN DION’S CELEBRITY PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS 2021 IT APPEARS I DIDN’T REALLY MAKE CLEAR THE PREDICTIONS  IN MY YOU TUBE VIDEOS  (NEW TO ALL THIS BUT LEARNING AS I GO)   SO HERE THEY ARE…. THE FACTS. JLO & AROD                    WILL BREAK UP SO NO MARRIAGE At the risk of repeating myself July 02, 2017 The Gossip World. Is all excited with,  JLo & A Rod. Some of you have asked my opinion.......... HA HA HA HA HA HA