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Showing posts from July 19, 2017


So here we are half way through Babyfarts. "Make America Again" week. But guess what... Not one of his "Products" . Are made here....... But I wonder if that applies to the Idiot Son Don Jr? Probably spawned in one of his golf clubs. 19th Hole no doubt.....

More than a little cold...

Something is very off with these two. Jennifer Lawrence & Darren Aronofsky. I get the feeling that he's either very controlling. Or, he's a passive aggressive git........................... Either way, she need to dump him ASAP. Or shes going to need to see a "DR"


About to become the biggest crossover,  Latin Music Star.. EVER......

TOLD YA.. Almost 7 years in the making.. Yeah right..... May 08, 2010 Don't take the romance between. Cheryl Cole & rapper WILL.I.AM. To go anywhere. It's a PR stunt. But when the R Kelly "Cult".. Is exposed,  that won't be a PR stunt..

A special Thank You . My Darlings

I'm not sure why? Or what I did?.... But today for the first time.. "WE" have had over 10.000 hits.. In a day............ Plus still climbing... So I thought you'd get a giggle,  with the above.....  "Front Page" Ha ha