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Showing posts from December 11, 2016


Another little issue on Babyfart. It seems that No One  (worth their salt). Wants to perform at his "Crowning". That's even with  Mark "Mr Reality TV" Burnett. Producing........ But there's always........ Kim & Kanye, ha ha. Another nipper within  year.. You think I'm joking?

I'll rub you back, if you rub mine......

So Babyfart is know going to elect, another of his chums.  Who just happens to be very close to Putins. Some guy called Rex Tillerson. To a cabinet position. This is fast becoming the Rich helping the rich. Well, it's only going to get worse. Till something is done about it. I'll give him 18 months.

Happy 2017 Common Ground

Pauline Hanson                          Australia Donald Trump                            America Pres Putin.                                  Russia Marion Marechal-Le Pen           France Pres Bashar al-Assad                 Syria Pres Rodrigo Duerte.                 Philippines  So the above in no particular order. Different Tongue....... Different Dress......... Different Faiths....... Common Bond....... FASCISTS......