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Showing posts from June 25, 2018


World Cup footballer Thomas MĂ¼ller... Needs to get rid of his "whore" wife. Seems she has a big appetite for dick. Other mens dick.......

Beautiful....... If you like art... You'll love this friend of mine..  Charles Wildbanks' gift.. If you don't like art...... You'll adore it.......... ps he also has art classes.........

SHEs BACK......

ANOTHER Babyfart DEAL... ha ha.....

TOLD YA Lots a Stripes not so many Stars...... Two choices.... October 06, 2017 Actress Heather Locklear,  has at the moment only two choices. 1. To go to rehab, pronto. OR Time has almost run out..... Or it'll be...................  "CLINKY"

REAL NEWS.......

Lookout Babyfart & Croonies........

On July 27th a Blood Moon... Will peak in the night skies during the July total lunar eclipse. A sign of major changes ahead. Some of them bumpy, out the outcome. Will be FABULOUS.......

TOLD YA All bets are off...... NOw till 2029........ February 01, 2017 As this monster Turkish Pres. Erdogan . Continues his reign of terror. (By the way he's going to get way worse). He looks at the way Babyfart.  Is acting as the 4 yr old Pres of the USA. Erdogan, sees a competitor. So once Babyfart catches on,  both their behaviours'. Will get out of hand.

Funtimes ahead......

SEN. MARK WARNER   (D-Va.) hosted a dinner Friday night for more than 100 guests at his house on Martha’s Vineyard. As part of the   DSCC’S   annual Majority Trust retreat.     OVERHEARD:   Warner, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, joking to the crowd:  “If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.”…

Do Not Forget....