UKRAINE Watching the Invasion of the Ukraine by Putin. That I predicted on February 13th 2015 Sends shivers down my spine. As there is much worse to come. Watching Bumbling Boris, Blithering Biden. Along with the other out of touch NATO leaders. Just Stating this & Stating that. Meanwhile, The Hitler of our time Putin. Is laughing his head off… Planning more and more of this wickedness. Including knocking off those at home, that cross him... By the way he’s not going to stop with Ukraine… He’s got his sights on great swathes of Europe. No amount of SANCTIONS or RESTRICTIONS Is going to bother Putin. Yes, it’ll be difficult to say the least for the Russian Public. Who, by the way, he cares even less about. Than he does those he’s invading. There is only one way to stop Putin.. Well, two really… 1. A BULLET. 2. BOMB MOSCOW. EVERYTHING ELSE IS USELESS... STAY TUNED