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Showing posts from January 31, 2018

TOLD YA.. EVEN closer.....  I have mentioned her before... July 08, 2017 Katie "Jordan" Price. UK reality Star. Kinda the,  UK Kim Kardashian.... Is getting even wierder. Seems to me the cliff edge. Is very, very close.

Birth of a President....

Jan 30th 2018.   We witnessed the birth of a future,  President of America... Joe Kennedy III A GOOD ONE......

BF Morning After the night before MEME

Supermoon Jan 31st... 1st time in 152 years.....

The last time this Supermoon was seen on Earth. Was 152 years ago. Here's a list of events that happened in 1876.....   The Reichsbank opens in Berlin.             The United States orders all Native Americans,            to move into reservations          A G Bell & Elisha Gray apply separately for telephone patents.                 Supreme Court eventually rules Bell rightful inventor            US Congress decides to impeach Minister of War Belknap.             Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent for the telephone in the US.           First telephone call;      Alexander Graham Bell says  ...

Oh the IRONY.......

On the very day of Babyfarts' State of The Union speech... The DOW tanks, oopssss.

EXTRA Meme of the Day