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Showing posts from May 13, 2020

Going Home? Before Archies 3 May 06, 2020                   Happy 1st  Birthday Archie. As you look at Prince Harry, in even the PR pics. He looks totally lost, HE IS. He hates LA. It’s not his lifestyle. But, Madame Meghan, planned this from the beginning. She pushed way into the social circles. That would get her to Harry. This she did, because a psychic (not me). Told her…. "That she would marry a man who was photographed a lot." "A Redhead..." So, she set about making it happen. Smooching up to connected people. Once they got her a little closer. She dumped them. On to the next level. REPEAT the process So now she has Harry in LA. The present ...

Hump Day ..

In case you missed tonights show... Blew up Skype he he ha ha THANK YOU ALL Luv CDX

Pool Boy... or 2

Co lt on Un de rwood "The Batchelor". For FUCKS SAKE... Just come out of the closet. No one is buying the "Girlfriend". Mind you why she puts up with the... "GRINDER" hook ups !!!!!! Oh, yeah, thats right it's all. $$$ PR PR PR PR $$$