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Showing posts from June 20, 2018

Please vote for my friend Nikki Giacara.. click on the link above to VOTE.  THANK YOU

THE TRUTH.......

TOLD YA.. NOT SO SWEET...... January 03, 2018       Christian Dions’          2018 PREDICTIONS.                    Composed between November 14th 2017    8.41am                 (Partly on a plane not my favorite place ha ha)                 Finished December 14th 11.59pm. Los Angeles Ca   Let me say this as I begin this task. By the time, I have to write the Predictions for 2019.......  President Trump will be gone.  But don’t let them fool you.  If you think he’s been a monster so far.  He’s going to be worse in late 2017 & 2018.   Blue touch paper has been lit????   49 Lord Sugar. Another one about to be whisked up in the “N...

At least I TELL THE TRUTH.......

  A real comment from the blog..... I can’t believe you posted a child in an animal cage.  This a low CD on  Made in CHINA.... nico123   My Response...... So now you are blaming me for the children in cages... REALLY so if I and people like me didn't post these terrible pics. How would the World know what the arseholes are doing to men/women & children. When people like me don't do what we do... Is how HITLER came to power... If some think I am FAKE NEWS.. I take that as a badge of HONOUR CD on Made in CHINA....


TOLD YA, FLIPPING TIME...Almost there, he he... Just one little Prick & BOOM..... April 25, 2018 Michael Cohen will "FLIP" . ..... Babyfart will attempt to "PARDON"  .. im... It won't work...... Michael Cohen, is the "Prick"... That will burst "Trumps" balloon.......

Made in CHINA....

Mind you couldn't be any WORSE than Babyfart Ha HA..

Za yn M al ik ........................................................................... Of One Direction fame.......................................................... Is considering running for political office in America.......... Because he's fallen in love.................................................... With the 'beautiful' country and its people............................ CRAZY I KNOW.............Won't happen....Just PR...............