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Showing posts from September 6, 2017

TOLD YA another KKK Brat... Not going to be fun...... another kiddie too ... April 18, 2017 Kim Kardashian,  is about to enter the roughest time of her life. The reason, of course......... Is her "IDIOT" Hubby Kanye "I am God" West. He's not going to get better. In fact he's about to get lot worse. Time for him to be sent EAST. .. Russia would be good. He's a mad man, wannabe tuf guy......

BF Hump Day Meme of the Day....

Lilibet DON"T DO IT............

As the rumour mills,  continue to push this relationship. This isn't a good idea................... She's all about the "WIN" ........... Well, if Lillibet allows,  this to go forward........ She'll only have herself to blame. If "They" thought that,  Lady Diana & Fergie,  gave them headaches. This one will make,  Fergie & Diana...... Look like Disney Princess's

Bonus BF Meme of the Day