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Showing posts from March 4, 2017

TOLD YA, I'll be back "NOT" Sunday, January 3, 2016 From one Arsehole to another ... So as Donald "Babyfart" Trump,  runs for President. The powers that be have cast,   Arnold Schwarzenegger. As his replacement. On "CELEBRITY APPRENTICE" It'll backfire. Mind you, episode 1 will have a little entertainment value If only for the crack.

What goes up, MUST COME DOWN....

As "Babyfart" glows,  in the rise of the stock market. Claiming he's the one that made it happen. Let's "SEE" just how "I DID IT" he'll be. When it goes "TITS" up....... If I had anything in the Sock Market. I would be taking it out today...........