2021 Predictions. PART TWO World War III We are already in it. It’s a war without bullets. Amazing if bullets were need trillions of dollars would be made available. Yet for food and aid for all. FUCKING ZERO. REQUESTS 51 CYBER ATTACKS Many more on the way from Russia. Radio silence from Trump still. 52 PUBLIC TRANSPORT Will have to be closed down. Across the Globe. To help stop COVID 19. 53 TRUMP PARDONS He will attempt to pardon himself & crannies even if he does. It will fail in the end. Plus he’s going to be handing pardons Out like candy at Halloween. 54 CANADA I feel Canada will do better with Covid 19. Than most other countries. Economy especially by 2022. 53 PARIS Worst terrorism ever in 2021. 56 ISRAEL As yet another election looms. Time for a clean sweep. It’s the only way out. 57 CHINA Will spread it’s wings even wider. But not in the way people think now. 58 KR when you lie down with dogs. You get fleas aka AG. AG will get caught out. 59 VIRGIN & UNITED AIRLINES In ...