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Showing posts from June 14, 2019

Facebook Nazis....

Oh Dear. I’ve been a naughty boy. Babyfart, posted on FB. That Melania. Is the new Jackie O. So I posted “Sure”. Along with the following pic. Within 2 sec I was banned. Sent to the naughty corner.

Coming soon ...

TOLD YA.. Took a year..

U.S. president Donald Trump has announced White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the job at the end of the month TOLD YA Getting close..... June 14, 2018 All she’s getting for Xmas is.... November 29, 2017 “ Babyfarts ’”  press person one   Sarah Huckabee Sanders . Seem to be tempting the Karma Gods.... It looks like she’s really doesn’t give a shit about the “Truth”. In fat, a long as POTUS, pays her salary. She’ll say anything. Don’t think you’ve seen her at her lowest.....  you haven’t. Mind out, it Santa doesn’t bring her. her  “Pink Slip”.    Spring/Summer will U.S. president Donald Trump has announced White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the job at the end of the month