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Showing posts from August 26, 2017


BF Memeof the Day... Ha HA

Another one bites the dust..... another Babyfart NUTTER August 21, 2017 Sebastian Lukács Gorka.  (who I feel is a complete fake.)  Is a deputy assistant to Babyfart. He was born in the UK. But trust me his accent is completely FAKE. Mind you, Trump loves FAKE...................... However, as the Eclipse passes over the USA. I feel that it heralds the end of this moron. So looks like this is his week. TO GO.........

Peace & Quiet RUINED......

Kanye West, has been so quiet of late. I tought he'd gone away. Sadly. no such luck... I sense a major rant very shortly. Which will make him look like a bigger idiot. Than he is already...  It'll start abut another artiste... But, he won't win the scrap.....