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Showing posts from December 21, 2016

TOLD YA.CONMAN.... Way more to come Wednesday, November 2, 2016 This would be "HUGE" Meet Trumps Mentor.......... So as the GOP & Trump,  go at it about Voter Fraud and Voter ID. Trying to sell us the idea it's about security......... Well, if you buy that I have a Tower in Paris,   for sale,  free shipping . What they really should be after is. VOTER IQ. The new Law would make sure,  that anyone with an IQ. Of 7. or below,  wouldn't be allowed to vote.

LET US HELP.........

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 A sad Told Ya .......... LET'S HELP FIND THIS SHIT AND THE MONSTERS BEHIND HIM.... Anis Amri, 23. Thursday, December 31, 2015 A Tad Earlier than stated 2016 Predictions Christian Dions’ Psychic Predictions 2016 (Composed in Hermosa Beach CA USA). (Completed Dec 29th 2pm PT)  As many of you know for the past few years.  I have done Predictions for the year ahead. Some Funny. Some Not. Some Serious. Some Crazy. Some Sad. Some Fluff. Well, this year things are little different. As we know 2015 was a little rough,  to say the least. So in light of that. There is no way. With a clear mind/Spirit. That I can do that this year. As the things that I have been seeing. Are too….. AWFUL. To b...

Maybe he read my blog.....

So Babyfart has decreed that the Secret Service. Aren't smart enough to protect him. She's going to keep his "Goon Squad" ,  as extra protection. How disrespectful..... He someone who has never protected anyone,  but himself. Tells the men an woman who put their lives,  on the line to do their job. That they are useless.... REALLY....... He should watch for,  "A Sheep in Wolves Clothing". Or take a look at what happened to one of his BBF's Ambassadors in Turkey the other day.....

A sad Told Ya ..........

LET'S HELP FIND THIS SHIT AND THE MONSTERS BEHIND HIM.... Anis Amri, 23. Thursday, December 31, 2015 A Tad Earlier than stated 2016 Predictions Christian Dions’ Psychic Predictions 2016 (Composed in Hermosa Beach CA USA). (Completed Dec 29th 2pm PT)  As many of you know for the past few years.  I have done Predictions for the year ahead. Some Funny. Some Not. Some Serious. Some Crazy. Some Sad. Some Fluff. Well, this year things are little different. As we know 2015 was a little rough,  to say the least. So in light of that. There is no way. With a clear mind/Spirit. That I can do that this year. As the things that I have been seeing. Are too….. AWFUL. To be able to do the normal. So what follows. Is more li...