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Showing posts from May 31, 2012

Told Ya Travolta's 2012 woes.. Sunday, December 12, 2010 Gay old closet clearance............ This is going to get very interesting......... Carrie Fisher, not one to mince her words. Has more or less " Outed" John Travolta....... Now I suppose there may be a couple of people in the World. To which this is a surprise......... But I bet Carrie has just been disinvited to all the Hollywood Christmas parties. Watch out soon for another   "Oprah talks to Travolta Show " complete with the wife............... But 2012 will be the worse for him. Then there's 2014/5 when we learn about his famous male " Friend ". Also an A List actor. Posted by Christian Dion at Sunday, December 12, 2010

Told Ya Coulson arrested Thursday, August 18, 2011 Coulson to "Clinky" and Cameron out.... (not the closet) So as the plot thickens  and the lies unfold. Andy " Naughty Boy " Coulson. will be thrown under the bus. Then sent to clinky. But the best bit is it will implicate  Old PM David Cameron. To such an extent that he'll just have to go. Coming to a TV near you. Stay tuned...... Posted by Christian Dion at Thursday, August 18, 2011

Flop for sure.....

Selfish bitch and mother of the year Dina Lohan. Is to star in a new reality TV show called " Hollywood Exes ". How she qualifies as a Hollywood ex beats me. It won't work. Major flop for VH1