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Showing posts from October 10, 2013

Sometimes not so nice......

Many of you have asked if, I "SEE" things that are not nice. All the time. So in request to you asking to post them I will. These are not always clear. Woke up from a dram/nightmare. Having had a vision of a jet orange/white. Flying over London I feel. Then is falls from the sky. Into a lake/lagoon. I also sensed a link to Los Angeles & Iran. So there you have it. These dreams feel so real it as if I have watched them on a news report. No timeline.

TOLD YA Jonas Bros no more.... Thursday, August 1, 2013 Something is brewing......... Nick Jonas of the Jonas Bros fame. Is a little off..... I get the feeling that he's ab"out",  to spill some beans. Posted by Christian Dion at Thursday, August 01, 2013  


Actress Hayden Panettiere,  is engaged to boxer Wladm ir Klitschko. At last a celebrity relationship that isn't PR. Plus it'll be a fabulous marriage. GOOD.