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Showing posts from December 10, 2017

An extra BF Meme due to the SNOW...

Nero & Kanute rolled into ONE MORON

Reincarnation ??

#MeToo Dear Rose....

As Actor Rose McGowan . Continues her “Quest” to stop the abuse. That not only is in the entertainment World. But beyond...... She herself has come under attack.. For exposing “others” who, are not being exactly truthful.  As even at times, these “others” are appearing to stand by the abusers... Well, Rose don’t worry, carry on the good fight. The history books as well as 99% of decent people. Are with and behind you.... #MeToo

Sunday Morning Meme of the Day

down we go...

Not quite sure if this is a Xmas Pressie. Or A New Years Gift....... For Kendall Jenner. But she’s about to be exposed for the “Fake”. That she, and the rest of her Trailer Park Klan are. But it will start with her... Yum, Yum...