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Showing posts from April 3, 2017

All about Putin.........

This is just the beginning. These monsters are going to hit Russia very hard. So Sad.........

Passport required , just o say "HI"

Now Pamela Anderson is claiming(STILL),  that she in love with squeaker Julian Assange. Even though he's locked in that London Embassy. No doubt she has visiting rights. I just can't see what is the benefit to either of them. Other than getting men, to look at JA's issue. But a for a "relationship" BOLLOCKS"  ps Even she, broke will be able to afford a London Flat. When the crash comes17/18.

Giggle of the week.......

He, he, there re those in,  The Kardashians PR team. That are trying to sell the fact that Rob & Chyna, are giving it another go. FOR GOD'S SAKE........... Really, with all that is going on in that family,  of Trailer Park Trash.   You think that we are going to buy this cold cod. It's about trying to get the ratings,  of their flagging empire to rise. It's not going to work, The writing is on the Wall for all of them.. GREAT, can't wait.......