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Showing posts from May 26, 2018

TOLD YA... FUCKING STUPID MORON... Wednesday, September 25, 2013 What a DICK...... Mega Moron Ego fame whore,   Kanye West................ Is claiming that he is at the point creatively. That Michael Jackson didn't. Some kind of glass ceiling. Well Kanye here's some news for you. It isn't a ceiling. it's floor. Very soon you will hear,  the sound of breaking glass. As you topple from you own,  imagined pinnacle of fame. Can't wait.

A little Saturday meme of the day...

"Low, Down, and Dirty" PR !!

"Rapper" "Gold Digger" Nicki Minaj..... . Is claiming that she IS dating E m i n e m ... Dear God, HA HA HA HA.......  Her career is so in the toilet. That's this is the best PR she can dream up.. I wounder how much she's paying Eminem for this. $100.000 a month? Won't get to Thanksgiving.... This little lying session.......