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Showing posts from November 14, 2016

Oh SHIT.......... Well, well, as  "Trump"  settles into his "Win" One of his main supporters is spouting the above........... Looks likes, Babyfart,  has done a deal with the "Devil"............... So along with buyers remiss, that must be kicking. Amongst those that thought he'd change, things for the better. Erm, Hitler did that too. Just remember how that ended.......

2 Pratts, 1Lift, going down..

So as Nigel "Racist" Farrage EMP  (soon not to be). Leader of UKIP, for a tad longer......... Continues to arse lick. Donald "Baby Fart" Trump PE. As they both pose here in their Golden Cage. Perhaps neither of them have heard of Icarus.... As they are both conmen. They are best matched. One on his way out of power. One thinks he's headed to power, ha ha... I wonder who will "See" Margaret Thatcher, FIRST..............