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Showing posts from March 28, 2014

Silly Boy....

So over the weekend. Zac Effron and his bodyguard. Where in a really dodgy part of downtown LA. After midnight. Now the only reason you would be there at that time. Is #1 You are homeless. #2 To buy drugs. Which one do you think he was there for?? My guess #2. Well I did tell you in the 2014 predictions,  he was in for a bad year. They don't listen.

Told Ya more and more....... Christian Dion  The Seer’s  2013 Predictions Completed Dec 19 th  2012              45                   Jimmy Saville.  Sex case, well if you think it’s been bad so far, just wait as we go through 2013 month by month more and more Celebrities will be dragged into it, you will be really shocked at some of the names, great fodder for the tabloids.