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Showing posts from March 30, 2018

TOLD YA... Didn't know he had a Heart...

Not so TRUE. Arnold... remember.....??? August 19, 2017 Arnold Schwarzenegger,  has come out against the Nazis. Which is very good. After all he experienced the aftermath. Of what those bastards did to his homeland. However............................. Once in the USA. He seems to have forgotten,  a little of what they stood for. Arnold, why don't you tell the World about. Your "Friends" and yourself. The Nazi uniforms..... The Hookers...... The Dogs...... Yeah didn't think so. Never mind one day. All will be revealed...... ps He needs to watch his health in 2018

TOLD YA 4 & Counting Prissy, pretty actor…… March 26, 2010 Brit actor Ed Westwick, From “Gossip Girl” Got his knickers in a twist, Because a member of the public Took his picture… Duh Ed you are on the telly. If you don’t like it. Drive a cab ! Mind you that's nothing. Wait till the truth. How he treats women comes to light. It's not going to be pretty. Hope he likes stripes.

Easter Hope ha ha

Happy Easter 2018 ...

Everything "old" is "new" again, then "FLOPS"

Well, Babyfart called Roseanne Barr. . To congratulate her on her Reboot of  the "Roseanne" Show..... He seems to think his "Followers"... Her   the "Huge " ratings... She was delighted. OK............. Let's see how the feel when the show is cancelled...