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Showing posts from March 5, 2013

Told Ya NUTS......... Christian Dion The Seer’s 2013 Predictions Completed Dec 19 th 2012 7                  UKIP. The UKIP need to be watched very carefully, they are not what they claim to be. Remember the 1930's well they are of the same cloth. They are planning all kinds of demo's etc. Which will turn violent.

Told Ya Falling , Falling......... Monday, November 12, 2012 Too funny........ My favourite lesbian Justin Bieber. Is all upset that Selena Gomez,  woke up and dumped him. Duh...... He thinks that it's not over. That this is merely a blip, ha ha.. It was never on, clearly a PR stunt. Just like I said when it started. If he thinks 2012 is rough. Wait till 2013 starts. NOT GOOD.... Posted by Christian Dion at Monday, November 12, 2012

Won't's not a catwalk......

So the powers that be. At AGT have added Heidi Klum to the judging panel. Do they really think that she will help raise the falling numbers? She's a model, that's not a talent.  She just won the genetic gene pool. What you really need on the program is TALENTED CONTESTANTS. Then the numbers will rise.