Hi Gang. I have started doing the predictions for 2021. So lots of stuff is swirling around my head. Let me tell you. The truth’s not pretty. I’m not talking about the Celebrity shit. But, the REAL WORLD STUFF. Especially the covid19/mask/vaccine element. Let me be Clear by saying Covid19. Will never go away… It’s with us forever… Yes, we have vaccines now. But we are at the very early part of these vaccinations. Which brings me to the crap that is floating about. In regard to people not taking the vaccine. WTF, SELFISH BASTARDS. Granted the vaccines are going to have some issues. But not taking the vaccine. Will result in many UNNECESSARY DEATHS … I hear this nonsense that there are. DIGITAL CHIPS in the vaccines. To track you. NOT TRUE… If they want to track you? They have your cellphones. I hear people say there are. DEAD BABIES DNA In the vaccines. NOT TRUE… THE TRUTH Is that the vaccines are our only chance. So let’s have a reset. WEAR YOUR M...