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Showing posts from April 3, 2018

TOLD YA, Another of Trumps NDAs Ha HA More than Eggs to break he he March 28, 2018 As the so called "Religious" lot. Keep giving "Babyfart" a pass on his many "AFFAIRS" with porn stars.... Including................ Karen McDougal.... Stormy Daniels ..... Due to the fact that these "Events",  were before he became President. As they want to believe....    Well, they better get to church this Easter Weekend. To be able pray for a miracle... WHY YOU ask? I am just wondering what they are going to say. To the Two "Ladies" ... Who come forward...... Who have the same stories as the other "Ladies" . The only difference.... These two "Ladies" have been with "Babyfart" SINCE HE WAS SWORN IN.......  You heard it here first... Mr Michael Avenatti

FAIR WARNING Sunday April 8th On TalkRadio

Sunday April 8th........ I will be with the Fabulous Howard Hughes .. Annoying him on his HIT Show..  "The Unexplained"...   (click on link TalkRadio) TalkRadio...... 11pm UK time. 3pm West Coast time USA.  6pm East Coast time  USA.

TOLD YA Long ago.... Something is a miss.. May 24, 2014 Something from Actor   Channing Tatums' ' past. Is about to come back to haunt him. Will lead to divorce... A PR nightmare....

Tuesday BF meme fo the Day


Although this is a crazy place to go see.. One of those "Once in a lifetime" events for many.. I get a bad feeling about this event this year.....

That's all for today