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Showing posts from March 16, 2015

Told Ya, No Bloody Contract .... Thursday, November 6, 2014 Her Royal Hiredness..... Well, well NBC has hired Pippa Middleton,  as an on air personality. Old  Lillibet ,  isn't going to be too pleased about this. Pippa may  just  end up in the Tower. Mind you NBC will be firing her,  almost as soon as they hired her. Couldn't organize,  a "PISS UP" in a brewery.

YUCK ..... Won't Work

Faux News employee and member of Alaskas' famed trailer park family. Bristol Palin. Is engaged to  Dakota Meyer. I really feel sorry for him But I smell a PR stunt in the making. By "I can see Russia from my kitchen window". Failed Vice President wannabe quitter Sarah Palin. Anyway it won't get to the alter.