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Showing posts from March 30, 2015

Remember tonight on HBO, the End is very close .

Saturday, February 21, 2015 The End is Nigh ...   HBO will premiere  Going Clear  on March 29th. The true story of the Cult "Scientology". It's not only going to be a ratings buster. It's going to bust open the secrets of the Cult. I can't wait. Already set the DVR.

Dating ? Is that what it's called these days .

So it appears that,  Diva Mariah Carey & Director Brett Ratner, are dating. Well, that's not what I would call it. Plus, he's a nasty piece of work,  this is going to back fire so badly for her. She also needs to stop hitting the bottle. Which is partly to blame,  for all this reckless behaviour. Mind you he's just as bad. P.S. He likes to direct /produce more than movies for the big screen. I smell a call to Vivid Entertainment,  in the near future.