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Showing posts from June 27, 2017

TOLD YA.. Exit to the RIGHT.... Lashes and all... January 04, 2017 So Donald "Babyfart" Trumps,  favourite news anchor. Megyn Kelly, is jumping ship from "Fox". To go to NBC........... Seems they want to pay her big  bucks,  so she's going. But, I hope that NBC don't expect,  the ratings to go up. They won't.... I fact, just the opposite.

Watch around Guy Fawkes...

So as this collection of "Muppets". Theresa " My Ego, My Way" May. Ian "Hate All" Paisley. Along with the back up group. DUP "Used to like Orange". Join forces, thanks to a Billion pound, plus BRIBE. Well, it'll backfire big time. Get your gloves ready......

For those Down Under.....

Aussie Drug smuggler Schapelle Corby. Pictured above with her mother. In 2004 she had over 8lbs of "WEED"  in her bag.  When she arrived at a Bali airport. She claims she didn't put the drugs there. Yeah right....... "GUILTY AS SIN" . Not the first time,  she had made that mistake either!!. Just  released. Let' hope the Aussie Drug Squad. Keep their eyes on her. She's hoping for a Reality Show.