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Showing posts from November 3, 2017

Babyfarts Tax cut.....

Just to put Trumps'   Tax Cut in perspective.... It's called "KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY"

TOLD YA.. Sofia.. TAke note of his own words.. Only takes a little prick.... September 30, 2017 Scott "IsDick" Disick & Sofia Richie... DATING??????????????????? So that's what "Shagging" is been called these days. Well, we all know that this won't end happily. As you can see from this pic,  they are really happy, ha ha.  I wonder what Momanger thinks of all this. So, Sofia, get to the Dr ASAP to get the pill. Or...........

Friday Meme of the Day...

Daddy Putin , you're so fit... Taste so Yummy.... I promise I'll diet......

TOLD YA Jared.......

From one Fart to another.......

So as Babyfart prepares (well best he can). To travel on his biggest Presidential trip yet. Including, a visit to South Korea. What could possibly go wrong??? Well, EVERYTHING................... Including one or either of them pressing a   "BUTTON"