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Showing posts from January 27, 2022

WE CAN NEVER FORGET..Holocaust Remembrance 2022..


TOLD YA Bitcoin “ A CON-PONZI SCHEME…” “Knock it’s the IRS..”

Bitcoin ??? Bitcoin... December 11, 2017 I have mentioned this con before... BITCOIN, seems it’s having a bit of a rally at the present. But, just like the ever rising Stock Market. This climbing coin.. Will too get caught up with gravity. To come tumbling to Earth. Now, which seats which? Doesn’t matter. They will fall.. Very hard.... For a long time. Maybe then... The public, will wake up to this terrible con... Wait till the tax man/ IRS get involved. People will loose BIG-TIME !!!

Morning One & All…


Biden & Johnson.. “Bumbling into WWIII …

  Many of you have asked me about the Ukraine issue. Now while President Putin is behind this. “I SEE” THAT WE ARE IN REAL DANGER  OF THESE TWO  LEADERS. THROWING US INTO WWIII. PUTIN IS GOING INVADE… Grabbing Land... (ALREADY A PREDICTION LINK BELOW) STAY TUNED