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Showing posts from December 19, 2013

Told Ya Just friends........ Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Certianly NOT a trinity........ So it appears that cheater  Kristen Stewart is really upset. That Robert Pattinson is dating Dylan Penn. Just how deluded or mental can she get. She never had a real relationship with Robert. So it just goes to show. It's what I said all along. PR, PR, PR....... She's just trying to get headlines. I see her in the nuthouse before long.

So Stupid.........

This is what Rob Kardashian calls going to " Work" . What an idiot........ Time he grew up.

BAD match..............

Pippa Middleton is engaged,  to her beau Nico Jackson. Not good..... I sense divorce papers before the wedding. Better make sure it's an ironclad prenup, Nico.