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Showing posts from March 30, 2021

Closer & Closer.. LOCKDOWNS due to this behaviour.. 2021 Predictions Christian Dion. GOOD LUCK.. December 22, 2020 CHRISTIAN DION's 2021 PREDICTIONS Sorry they aren't Happier   4 LOCK DOWNS More and more countries will be forced into lock downs.  



Healing Circle for ALL....

   Hi Everyone… I just have to write this. For a little while I have been feeling. That the whole World has gone mad. Yes, the lockdown has a lot to do with it. Or as I have nicknamed it. “COV-FED UP” But, there’s more to it. Hence why, I’m putting up another Healing Circle. For everyone, including me… Everything feels so dark and sad. I have tried every trick in the book, to shift these feelings. But, nothing seems to lighten these feelings. So I thought I would ask you all. To join me in forming this circle. To see what we may achieve. I am tired people losing loved ones. I am tired of people being sick. I am tired of people saying this is all a hoax. I am just tired. I know many of you are feeling the same. I know many of you are isolated, too. I know many of you to are suffering the dark depression. So let’s give this a go... Thank you all. Luv CDX