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Showing posts from May 30, 2018

I know "NAUGHTY" he he...

Hump Day Meme of the Day....

MAJOR disaster.....

As U K P M Theresa May... Awaits a visit from her evil twin, Trump .. aka BABYFART. She's seems to be unaware of the mess. That is smack in front of her nose....  Come the Autumn/Fall. She'll be regretting , not only his visit. But the Snap Election.. She'll have to hold.....  ps and LOOSE............

TOLD YA.. "TRUMPED" Everything "old" is "new" again, then "FLOPS" March 29, 2018 Well, Babyfart called Roseanne Barr. . To congratulate her on her Reboot of  the "Roseanne" Show..... He seems to think his "Followers"... Her   the "Huge " ratings... She was delighted. OK............. Let's see how they feel when the show is cancelled...