BIRDS OF A FEATHER… Angelina Jolie, Rachel Uchitel, Lily James. Each of these “ladies” are JUST like the other. Always after the “Married” Man. “A leopard NEVER changes it’s spots” 1. They target/seduce the married/taken man… 2. They get caught and make excuses… 3. They do it again… Kinda’ like WASH, RINSE, REPEAT! Here we go.. ANGELINA JOLIE, Queen of these “ladies” 1. SEDUCE -Started dating Billy Bob Thornton while he was still living/engaged to Laura Dern. -Seduced AND slept with Brad Pitt while he was married to Jennifer Anniston. - I SEE THESE WERE NOT THE ONLY TAKEN/MARRIED PEOPLE SHE
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.